We are the crowd
We're c-coming out
Got my flash on it's true
Need that picture of you
It's so magical
We'd be so fantastico
Leather and jeans
Garage glamorous
Not sure what it means
But this photo of us
It don't have a price
Ready for those flashing lights
'Cause you know that baby, I...
I'm your biggest fan
I'll follow you until you love me
Papa, paparazzi
Baby there's no other superstar
You know that I'll be
Your papa, paparazzi
Promise I'll be kind
But I won't stop until that boy is mine
Baby you'll be famous
Chase you down until you love me
Papa, paparazzi
I'll be your girl
Backstage at your show
Velvet ropes and guitars
Yeah 'cause you're my rockstar
In between the sets
Eyeliner and cigarettes
Shadow is burnt yellow
Dance and we turn
My lashes are dry
Purple teardrops I cry
It don't have a price
Loving you is cherry pie
'Cause you know that baby, I...
[Repeat Chorus:]
Real good, we dance in the studio
Snap, snap to that shit on the radio
Don't stop for anyone
We're plastic but we still have fun!
[Repeat Chorus:]
www.a-lh.blogspot.com adalah Blog kumpulan Lirik - Chord lagu Terbaru yang dinyanyikan oleh artis dan penyanyi dari Indonesia dan mancanegara. Prioritas utama kami adalah menyediakan lirik lagu Mp3 terbaru dan yang saat ini sedang populer. Untuk mempermudah, masing-masing lirik lagu telah dikategorikan berdasarkan penyanyi dan albumnya. Gunakan kotak pencarian di bagian kanan untuk melakukan pencarian lirik lagu.
Demi kenyamanan Anda semua, beberapa lagu kini telah dilengkapi pula chord gitar / kord gitarnya. Sehingga bagi penikmat musik yang gemar bermain gitar dapat lebih menikmati lagunya. Dan Sekalian