I'm sick of feeding my soul
See people who'll never know
Just how purposeless and empty they've grown
Because their language confuses
Like computers refuse to
Understand how i'm feeling today
I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head
I am freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head
I saw a liquid control
That gives life to a soul
I hit my head on it and woke up to know
That i was all alone
Wearing just socks and a 'phone
Someone screaming like their world might explode
yeah i'm freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head
I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't want another map of your head
I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't want another map of your head
I'm freezing and losing my way
I don't need another map of your head yeah
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Demi kenyamanan Anda semua, beberapa lagu kini telah dilengkapi pula chord gitar / kord gitarnya. Sehingga bagi penikmat musik yang gemar bermain gitar dapat lebih menikmati lagunya. Dan Sekalian
Muse - Map Of Your Head Lyrics
Label: Muse