Conforming on a monday
Too often and too cold
But you aren't even listening
Because you are just
Too old to feel an earthquake
Or too cool to even care
But you aren't even listening
So why should I?
You are
A natural disaster
And I've wanted you too much
And now I'm gonna lose
I've wanted you too much
And now I've gotta choose
You're the cause of all this
And I'm sick of trying to please you
And you're gonna feel my emotions coming
Because you're the world
Like a broken dam you're empty
And all that's left are the sticks and stones
That were built by other people
And it really shows
But you aren't even listening
Because you are just
Too old to feel an earthquake
Or too cool to even care
But you aren't even listening
So why should I?
You are
A natural disaster
And I've wanted you too much
And now I'm gonna lose
I've wanted you too much
And now I've gotta choose
You're the cause of all this
And I'm sick of trying to please you
And you're gonna feel my emotions coming
Because you're the world adalah Blog kumpulan Lirik - Chord lagu Terbaru yang dinyanyikan oleh artis dan penyanyi dari Indonesia dan mancanegara. Prioritas utama kami adalah menyediakan lirik lagu Mp3 terbaru dan yang saat ini sedang populer. Untuk mempermudah, masing-masing lirik lagu telah dikategorikan berdasarkan penyanyi dan albumnya. Gunakan kotak pencarian di bagian kanan untuk melakukan pencarian lirik lagu.
Demi kenyamanan Anda semua, beberapa lagu kini telah dilengkapi pula chord gitar / kord gitarnya. Sehingga bagi penikmat musik yang gemar bermain gitar dapat lebih menikmati lagunya. Dan Sekalian
Muse - Nature 1 Lyrics
Label: Muse