Hands over my head thinking
What else could go wrong
Would've stayed in bed
How could a day be so long?
Never believe that things
Happen for a reason
But how this turned out
Removed all my doubt so believe
That for you I'd do it all over again
Do it all over again
All I went through led me to you
So I'd do it all over again for you
I missed the first train stood out
In the rain all day
(Little did I know)
But I caught the next train
And there you were to sweep me away
Guess that's what I waited for
Never believed that things
Happen for a reason
But how this turned out
Removed all my doubt
So believe that for you
I'd do it all over again, do it all over again
All I went through led me to you
So I'd do it all over again
Oh, who ever thought a day gone
So wrong could turn out so lovely
Yeah, I'm so glad I found you
Even though the day went so wrong
I wouldn't change a thing
Yeah, yeah, I'ma do it
Do it all over again
Do it all over again
All I went through led me to you
So I'd do it all over again
Do it all over again, I'd do it all over again
I'd dot all over again for you
All I went through led me to you
So I'd do it all over again for you
Whoever thought a day gone so wrong
Could turn out so lovely
Whoever thought a day gone so wrong
Could turn out so lovely
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Demi kenyamanan Anda semua, beberapa lagu kini telah dilengkapi pula chord gitar / kord gitarnya. Sehingga bagi penikmat musik yang gemar bermain gitar dapat lebih menikmati lagunya. Dan Sekalian
Bruno Mars - Again Lyrics
Label: Bruno Mars